Residence Student Advisory Group

The Residence Student Advisory Group (RSAG) is a working group comprised of volunteer student representatives who provide advice and feedback to the University's Housing Services and Residence Life relating to the experience of residence students on the Keele and Glendon campuses. RSAG members are elected in their residence through a formal election process in the Fall. Successful candidates are expected to attend scheduled meetings at least once per semester, solicit feedback from their residence peers, and to act as positive role models within the community.

How can I bring items, suggestions, or concerns forward to RSAG?

Your Building Representative is the advocate for your respective residence building; their role is to provide advice and feedback to the Housing Services and Residence Life management teams. You are encouraged to reach out to your Building Representative if you have items, suggestions, or concerns you would like discussed at RSAG. Building Representatives also serve as a member of your building’s Community Engagement Committee, so you are also able to attend those meetings to share your thoughts.